
Recent Sales

This property received 5 offers. What does that mean for you as a seller? Four potential buyers are now actively searching for their next home, and yours could be the one.

Contact me today to discuss a selling strategy for your home.

Review the listing here. Interested in client feedback? You can find that here.

700 Grove St., #3G Hoboken, NJ Living Room

My sellers wanted to enjoy their next move without worrying about selling their Hoboken home. I focused on proper pricing and successful marketing to help them do just that. We received multiple offers and accepted a contract in less than one week of being on the market.

Review the listing here.  Interested in client feedback? You can find that here.

515 Willow Ave., #4 Hoboken Living room 1

515 Willow Ave., #6 Hoboken Living Room

515 Willow Ave., Hoboken Bedroom

515 Willow Ave., #6 Hoboken Bathroom

515 Willow Ave., #6 Hoboken, Kitchen

It came as no surprise to me that my clients received multiple offers on their charming 1 bedroom, 1 bath home. Located on the top floor of a quiet carriage house in a prime Hoboken location, this home photographed and showed beautifully. Windows in every room flooded the entire space with natural light, highlighting the sellers’ impeccable attention to detail all the more.

View from 389 Washington St., #28K Jersey City389 Washington St., #28K Jersey City, NJ Financial District View389 Washington St., #28K Jersey City, NJ Kitchen/Living Room

This stunning, Southeast corner 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo in downtown Jersey City’s coveted “A” building sold within half the time of its competition.

I was fortunate enough to help the sellers purchase this home – their first – in 2009. They fell for its bright, open spaces framed by large windows in every room that captured the sensational views of the NYC skyline stretching from midtown to the financial district to the East and the Statue of Liberty and the Verrazano Bridge to the South.

So, when listing their home for sale in 2011, it seemed a natural fit to highlight those same features. Working with limited furnishings (the sellers had already relocated), I polished the home from top to bottom to ensure no single detail would distract buyers from what they really came to see – the view.